Ego - The worst enemy

 The ego is difficult to define because the ego isn’t one specific thing.  It is actually made up of many different beliefs that a person acquires over their life. Those beliefs can be diverse and even contradictory.  To further complicate it, each person’s ego is different. 

People are always quick to blame others or raise their voice against the ‘circumstances’ when anything bad befalls them. This is the product of the ego. It constantly strives to make people believe that they’re not responsible for their own actions, their surroundings are.

The ego always strives to be constantly right, always wants to be superior. Vice versa just won’t be tolerated. Ego aims to achieve power and control over others, never stopping to consider who they are affecting or even hurting.

The ego is all about the past.  It’s about the things you’ve learned, the things you know to be true, the things you’ve experienced, all the little voices in your head from your parents and teachers and everyone that you’ve ever spoken with.  That is what really forms the ego, and, so, the ego is who you were – not necessarily who you are in this moment.  When you can transcend the ego, even for a moment, then you can make a conscious choice, one that resonates with your true self, one that resonates with love.


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