Apology matters! "I'm sorry"
The words “I’m sorry” may be simple to type, but can be some of the hardest to say out loud. When we are in the wrong, some of us may find it difficult to apologize. It may be because we don’t think we’re at fault despite what others say. If not, we may think to say sorry for our mistakes makes room for further accusations and conflicts. For some of us, saying sorry feels like admitting we’re inadequate. It seems that some people experience an apology as a sign of weakness. Interestingly, when asked if they view it that way when the apology comes from another, they do not see it as a weakness at all, but rather the “right” or “responsible” thing to do. Remarkably, some will say it is a sign of strength or maturity when the apology is offered by the other person, but still feel that it is an unacceptable admission of defeat—or weakness—when the apology is theirs to give to someone else. Whatever the reason, I think we can all agree that most of us hold our tongue...