
Showing posts from March, 2019

Art Of Friendship!!!

             Have you ever felt stupid? And not just stupid, but really stupid? It can be only done when you have friends in life.. "One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."               Over the years God has gifted me with many wonderful “heart partners” as I call my friends. Whatever would I have done without them? What sort of friends have I had? All sorts, shapes, ages, colors, nationalities, and sizes!                       A friend of mine told me she has a shopping friend, a prayer friend, a fun friend, and a challenging friend who drags her along to all sorts of classes to stretch her mind. Sometimes you can get all these friend s and more wrapped up in one friend - but not always.                  I am a better friend because of them...

Art Of HOLI!!!

Holi is the festival of colours, which unites each and every one together of  diverse backgrounds and professions. Everyone comes together and celebrates the oneness of humanity, and that is the message of Holi.            I think there is not only one day to show togetherness in life, each and every day should be like holi where everyone comes up together.                 Holi is the time when we break all these barriers of gender, nationality, race, and religion — from the elderly to the young, you hug everybody and put colors on them. It's a unifying celebration.           Each and every colour is associated with some emotions and feelings.  Anger is associated with red, jealousy with green, vibrancy and happiness with yellow, love with pink, vastness with blue, peace with white, sacrifice with saffron, and knowledge with violet.  Each person comes with different colo...

Art of giving!!! Art of happiness!!! 2

                                     You may be thinking, wondering what exactly do you have to give? Everybody has something for another person. It could be anything like a kind word, a simple smile, some appreciation, the sharing of some special knowledge, even a helping hand or a support during a difficult time. A single smile can also change one's day. If you don't have anything to give others, just give a smile it's more than a gift.                          We all know that, "time is money" but if we try to share few minutes from our busy schedule with others and try to help them when nobody is there for them it's world's biggest gift for them.                                               What you give...

Art of giving!!! Art of happiness!!! 1

             "Art of giving is something that you give from your heart without expecting anything from it in return." You have something to give everyone. An art of giving is enjoyed by both - one who gives it and the other who receives it. Sometimes giving is more important than receiving a gift from your loved ones.                                                   Gift is something which we always expect from our loved ones on our special days and we get many more special gifts, but there are some people who also expect something special in there life but can't get it. We should try to share our happiness with those people.                                   Giving or sharing will give you more joy then receiving precious gif...