
Showing posts from October, 2017

Presence of Art Everywhere in Life

                        Presence of Art Everywhere in Life The word ‘ Art ’ is most commonly meant to all of us with pieces of work in a gallery or museum, whether it’s a painting or sculpture. However, there is so much more to art than what you see displayed in galleries. The truth is, without being aware of it, we are surrounded by art and it is used on a daily basis. Most people don’t realize how much of a role art plays in our lives and just how much we rely on art in all of its forms in our everyday lives.                                    Art is present every where in our life, it is present while we are doing any work, while cooking, present in the bed sheets, present in beautiful teapots on table covered with the beautiful covers this can be known as ' Art in Home ' .                                  When you see something beautiful and a sweet smile comes on your face, when a baby is crying and you do funny things before that baby so that baby should smil